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Non-Profit Resources
Volunteer Finder
Share your needs bi-weekly with local volunteers for free.
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Free Templates
Great free templates, share one of yours or snag one of ours!
We also build websites! We built our own site; if you need a new website get in touch.
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Free Non-Profit Templates
Here are some templates that you can grab and modify for free.
Save some time!
Why build from scratch when someone else can help?
If you have a good template you use, and you want to share it. Email it to us: weservewith@gmail.com and we will add it to this page.
Email Signup Form
A Canva template of an email signup form to collect name and email.
Volunteer Waiver & Release Form
A Google Docs version of a Non-Profit Volunteer Waiver and Release Form.
Donation Request Letter
A Google Docs version of a Non-Profit Donation Request Letter.
Volunteer Application
A Google Docs version of a Non-Profit Volunteer Application.